Bringing Fashion, Faith, and Function to You
Color & Style POP-UP Event
Thursday, March 13th
Suzi's Boutique
823 4th Avenue, Grinnell, Iowa 50112
Come visit me at Suzi’s Boutique, where we’ll be “playing dress-up” together. Whether you need to refresh your wardrobe or just want to try on some stunning pieces, I’ll be there to help you find your perfect look.
Event Perks
Mini Color Confirmations for just $40! Because knowing your best colors changes everything. I recommend you reserve your 15-minute time slot.
Special Image Consultant Services like review of your shopping list, skincare & makeup questions, or quick tips on how to style an outfit. You are invited to bring a piece from home that you are struggling with.
Store Savings! Time to snag that piece you’ve been eyeing or grab a new spring release.
Extended Evening Hours to catch the Beauties that don't get off work until after 5PM!

Style After 55 - Life Moving Forward
3 hour workshop or retreat serving woman 55+ or those in their second act of life
The desire to look good doesn't change with age but accomplishing it may be a bit more challenging. Style After 55 is a series of fashion and style lessons designed to empower the mature woman to move forward with life despite gray hairs, wrinkles, and shifting body parts.
The lessons were specially developed for women aged 55+ by women who are 55+. These fun, informative sessions equip women with tools on how to shop and show up beautifully dressed, while moving forward with continued relevance in this season of life.
Each participant will receive a Color Code analysis confirmation and a program workbook with tips and space for personal notes.
Participants will learn:
(Re)Focus Color Focused study on colors that flatter her facial features
(Re)Define Body Shape Tips for dressing a maturing body shape
(Re)Connect Style Personality How to convey personality through clothing while being comfortably stylish
(Re)Discover Continued Relevance Steps to build a wardrobe that flatters her appearance and is appropriate for her current lifestyle
Reveal and Rejoice Signature Style Connect inner and outer beauty with style and celebrate life through every season
Forget about what's happened, don't keep going over old history. Be alert, be present, I'm about to do something brand new - Isaiah 43:18

Reveal Your Dignity (RYD)
(1 -2 Hour Workshop serving Tween and Teen Girls )
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2
This program is designed to encourage young women to see themselves as God sees them - BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING and FABULOUS! A true one-of-a-kind, original design!
Culture continually bombards young women with messages that they need to reveal their bodies and dress sexy to be a woman. That’s far from the truth! God’s Word tells us not to imitate the world, but to rethink what we’re told.
Through scripture, young women are shown how to choose clothes that reveal dignity, displaying to the world that they value and respect themselves and others. They are also challenged to develop and display beauty and dignity from the inside out.
This program specifically teaches young women:
How to respectfully treat and take care of the beautiful self that God created
A Culture of Compliments
The 5 B's of Style
The 6 C's of Fashion
Beauty from the inside-out
How to wear fashion and accessories to create a polished, personalized look
Each participant receives an individual color analysis and handout for taking personalized notes

Fashioned with a Purpose
(2 Hour Workshop serving Women's Ministries, Retreats, Mother and Daughter Events)
“I will praise YOU for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalms 139.14
God, the Master Designer, fashioned each woman as a whole being – outside and inside. Each part of her being has a uniqueness specifically fashioned for her and His glory. Yet, many women allow their outer appearance to consume their time, energy, and money. It’s time to break this thought pattern and become Fashioned with a Purpose.
This program drives home that your whole being was created by God and teaches women of all ages:
How to match your inside to your outside so others may then be attracted to the Master Designer, God.
Discover how to dress with dignity by clothing in confidence through Christ
Develop a relationship with the Master Designer who created you for His glory
Uncover ways to serve Him using your unique talents, skills, and passions
Each participant receives an individual color analysis and handout for taking personalized notes